Summer school started monday. We started the class out with 'getting to know you' activities. It lasts from 1-4 pm. The first day went well, I feel like. The upper school is teaching the rising 6th grade students. The students were somewhat responsive to what we were trying to communicate. I taught a lesson on personification and the children understood the term at the end of the class (each section is about 50 mins for summer school). Today was not so great. Chrissy taught long division, Athena taught about the scientific method, and I taught about folklore. It felt like (i want to say at times, but it was basically the entire time) we were fighting the class and
working against them. We were talking about it after the class and it just seems like we have not authority to assert since this isn't our class, there's not graded activity, etc. One girl told me that she didn't have to call me Mr. because I wasn't her teacher. A lot of them sat there apathetically. I don't think they feel motivated to do any of the summer school work. I do'nt think the year will be like this. It's just the lack of control in the summer school situation. Hmm. I'm back in Charlotte on Thursday night for my sister's wedding saturday. Pretty stoked to get back. I'm going to have to watch what I eat however, because my body is starting to get used to the food here and I don't want to completely throw it for a loop (but i'll be darned if I don't eat BBQ in the best state for it, NC). Despite today being kinda rough, I'm still really excited to get into the classroom. Julie is our teacher and I feel like, given the time, she has done an incredible job of preparing us and fattening us up with chinese food and licuados. I say fattening us up, but i'm pretty sure I've lost weight since I've been here.