Well, every 90 days we have to leave the 5 countries that make up CAFTA or however it's spelled. They're the 5 countries that make up the unified central american states. So we head up to Belize. Our trip began last thursday at 4:45 in the morning an the path went something like this. Basically we took a bus up to the honduran-guatemalan border. From there we took a cab to Porto Barrios. Then a boat ride to Punta Gorda, Belize. Then a bus ride up to Mango Creek. Then a water taxi over to Placencia. Rebecca had been feeling badly during the trip (and the day before) so she and Tyler and Jessica stayed in Punta Gorda, planning to come the next day.
While we were on the boat we met two guys who were traveling together for a short while. One was a German guy named Alton and the other was a New Zealand Kiwi named Allister. Turned out they were going to Placencia as well. Placencia is a big traveler's spot in the area. It's an island with beautiful water most of the year.
I think someone said they saw a sign somewhere about pieces of land being sold for 1.7 million dollars American. Come to find out while we were on the island, this guy named Fonto (a local) told us that part of "Flavor of Love" had been filmed on the island and that he had met the Flav himself. He pointed to a house where he had stayed. He kind of played it off at first but you could tell he was really proud of it.

It was cool hanging out for a few days with Alton and Allister. They had just met recently and were just traveling together for a few days. Some of the time they sat around and bashed the US, which was fine. It was honestly pretty funny. Other times we just talked about different stuff. Tim and I left the island a little later than the others on Saturday, and I told Chrissy that night that it was a miracle that I didn't head north with Alton and Allister.
So it turned out that Rebecca had Dengue (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengue_fever). And then Jenna showed up with a rash all over her and she had been complaining of headaches, so... you guessed it, when we got back to Cofradia she went to a hospital and they confirmed dengue. Yippeee! So, it's Sunday night and here's where we all are (as far as I know):
Drew- Cofradia
Alison- Cofradia (in bed with headache and says she's really tired)
Anne- Cofradia (really tired in bed)
Jenna- San Pedro Sula (going back to the hospital in the morning for more tests)
Chrissy- San Pedro Sula (with Jenna)
Paxton- Cofradia
Rebecca- Porto Barrios, Guatemala (in a hospital)
Jessica, Athena, Tyler- Porto Barrios, Guatemala (with Rebecca)
Tim- Punta Gorda, Belize