To our great surprise, Monday began with a gift from Anna (& co.) when she gave Graham, Brian and me a robe with Maps printed on the back. She gave Layne and Nathan fanny packs and Katie girly magazines (one of which was in Spanish). The robes are fantastic. Anna told us that we had our initials printed on our chest in Chinese. We would later find out this isn't true. The flight from Chicago to Shanghai lasted about 14 hours but as Nathan put it "I don't remember a time when I wasn't on this plane." Nathan and I
landed the emergency exit row so we had room to spread but there still was no escape from our prison. Brian managed to get a seat next to a certain young lady, with whom he spoke for hours. There was a divide among the flight attendants as to whether they liked us or not. I wore my robe from the airport in Chicago til just before landing in China. One of the flight attendants told me I was "just the cutest thing." There were two Chinese flight attendants that did not share her thoughts. They pulled me aside and told me I looked ridiculous. Graham and Brian went to get their robes (which are pink, mine is blue) and the flight attendants told us we had poor fashion. She then informed us that the writing on our chest did not say our names. We don't know what it says now. We also don't know whether this was a mistake or if Anna did this as a joke and it says kick me or something (we tend to believe the latter). Nathan and I shared White Russians over Russia. We arrived in China at 2:00 pm (this area of China is 12 hours ahead for future reference, thus making it 2 am eastern time). A driver and Layne's dad picked up us from the airport and w
e drove somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour til we got to the city. The hotel we're staying in is really nice. We sleep on the floor in the living room of Mr. Madden's apartment. Once we got here we went out and tried a restraunt. I accidentally ordered fish head stew (no joke), but it turned out to be good besides being extremely spicey. The city is weird. If you were to look at it you could feel like you were in New York City from the buildings. Nathan and I were talking about how it was just such a different urban feel though. There don't seem to be traffic laws here. Just because you have the green walk sign doesn't mean that cars are going to stop for you. Bikes and mopeds just seem to go all over the place, whether it be the wrong way on a road or on the sidewalk. We finished off the night by lounging in the hot tubs in the men's locker room. Finally after being awake for days we passed out at 9 or so last night. We love you guys.
An almost unbelievable story of grace
13 years ago
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