Out hostel is at a central location for many of the things to see in the city. We decided to go to the Forbidden City today. Inside the first courtyard there was a fenced off area where a commie was shooting hoops on a grass terf court. Nathan was watching him and the soldier motioned for him to come in. Nathan proceeded to get his ass whooped in a game of 1 on 1. To be fair the guy was 6'2" atleast, but Nathan still embarrassed our country. There was a crowd of atleast 200 watching the event. We made our way into the city (which was the emperor's palace). The city was huge. It was just one courtyard after the next. On exhibit was of broken bowls; it sucked. But the city was fantastic.
We made our way up a hill to a Vairochana Buddha temple that provides a panoramic view of the whole city of Beijing. While we were up there Brian and I convinced a commie to take a picture with us, acting like he was arresting us. Everyone else was too afraid to ask but he was really timid about it. Here are some thoughts we've had since we've been here:-There are so many people here it seems there's people sitting around doing pointless jobs. Today we saw guys making marks in stairs with a hammer.-Everything is extremely commercialized. In the Buddha temple they were selling merchandise.- We decided the moat around the Forbidden City probably had seaweed, as the greatest defense against attackers was and is 'icky toes'. We've started taking on old people hours. Awake at 7, supper at 5, in bed by 9:30 or 10. We love you guys.
An almost unbelievable story of grace
13 years ago
1 comment:
I'm dissapointed in you Nate. You were supposed to go to China and show all those tiny people up. Instead you pick the one tall guy and end up getting embarrassed. Even still, they don't love you like I love you!
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