Friday, May 18, 2007

Carolina to Tennessee to Kentucky to Indiana to Chicago

Going to bed last night at 2 o'clock in the morning was a poor choice. Come 5 45 the next morning, fatigue unquestionably set in as we pulled out of Waxhaw and began the voyage. Highlights from day 1 would include, stopping for lunch at a half built gas station in the middle of nowhere. A trip to Acres of Land Winery (quite possibly one of the dumbest names for a winery anyone could possibly think of). I wasn't very impressed with Kentucky. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful; enveloped in rolling hills and lush green trees, but my fears about the rainforest were set aside after the 3rd hour of seeing nothing but tree after tree. I was also disappointed in Indianapolis. To put it mildly, what a trash dump. Why anyone would want to take residence there is beyond my comprehension. We managed to pass the 12 hr drive with music and talking with the occasional nap as well. Phone calls from Elizabeth and talking with Cecil for about 30 mins also helped pass the repetitious roads. We're in the perimeter of Chicago now at a hotel that's... shady at best. We're hoping our car doesn't get broken into. Tomorrow we're going to spend the day in downtown Chicago.

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