Monday, May 21, 2007

Pretty Girl from Wisconsin Dells

I don't feel like I gave her the encore she deserved. To describe her as merely a girl who brought me my mashed potatoes would bring her short of her due applause. She was radiant. Like I said previously, for 20 minutes we lived in Wisconsin Dells. Over dinner we had to weight the cons of why we should leave. She assured us we could get jobs in the area. But alas, in the end we had to venture further west. A note with my number was left on her car as we waved goodbye. Honestly, if she were to call I would catch a bus back to her quaint town and spend the summer with her. Today we crossed the Mississippi into Minnesota and found, quite possibly, one of the most life fulfilling land marks of my life, the Spam Museum. It's hard describe the place. Luckily it was free entry so I AM given the chance. We watched a video about how Spam is made and the history of it. James and I found out the Spam is cooked inside the can. We continued on our way and drove straight through the rest of Minnesota (though we believe we hit the landmark) and halfway into South Dakota. The drive was filled with pictures of farm land, rolling hills, silos, etc. The sky is huge, it seems to never end. How did Lewis and Clark make it across this vast wilderness. Tomorrow we're going into the prairies, which I'm really excited about. It should be beautiful. We're currently in Mitchel, South Dakota, home of the one and only Corn Palace. It's an entire building constructed of corn. It was closed when we got here but we're going to go see it tomorrow morning. It should be a delightful treat. I couldn't imagine living in a town like this. The town seems dead, with the only glimmer of hope surrounding the Corn Palace. I enter tomorrow expecting to find the Holy Grail.

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